So, anyway, the long overdue winners of the Order of the Stick Casting Game.
As Roy Greenhilt: Donald Faison Winner: Nate
As Durkon Thundershield: Tie. Winner decided by coin toss. Michael Chiklis Winner: Nate
As Haley Starshine: Emma Watson Winner: Nate
As Elan/Nale: David Tennant Winner: Nate
As Varsuvius: Tilda Swinton Winner: Bronzethumb
As Belkar Bitterleaf: Nicholas Holt Winner: Bronzethumb
As Xykon: Christopher McCulloch Winner: Nate
As Redcloak: Tie. Winner decided by coin toss. Russell Tovey Winner: Bronzethumb
As The Monster in the Darkness: Keith David Winner: Bronzethumb
As Sabine: Zoe Saldana Winner: Bronzethumb
As Thog: Dolph Lundgren Winner: Nate
Final Score: Nate, 6. Bronzethumb, 5.
Since Nate won, the movie will be directed by his choice of director, Kevin Smith.
Hollywood, make this movie! ;-)